Booking Colin Wilkinson as a Speaker
Colin Wilkinson is a registered speaker with a number of agencies. Please note: we will NOT taking bookings directly, but if you wish to book him for a seminar or other event then please contact us and we can put you in touch with a suitable agent.
Here are a couple of clips from his most recent talk, in Estonia:
Opening: 6 Myths About Entrepreneurs
Flapjacks: My first business ...!
"You cannot fail to be convinced by what Colin Wilkinson says when he speaks - he has taken speaking about an opportunity to a new level.”
“… The Yes & Club hosted an inspiring (and intoxicating) event with a chap called Colin Wilkinson“
Oliver Mardling: CEO -
“I really enjoyed your talk and the decision theme struck a big chord with me. I realised that every successful thing I've done succeeded because I took the plunge.”
Drew Ellis: MD - Eye to Eye
“Thank you so much for last night. All I've had is great feedback. They're a hard audience to impress but you exceeded all expectations.”
Rob Locke: MD - Yes& Club
“Colin's talk is absolutely exhilarating. The stories are fabulous. The lessons are timeless. If you want someone who has created numerous businesses from sheer drive and determination to inspire and motivate your audience, Colin is the man.”
Jim McLaughlin: MD - Optima Performance Development